First Name
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Date of Birth
Have you ever attended a private personalized retreat before? If yes, please share your previous experiences and any insights gained from those retreats.
What are your main motivations and intentions for seeking a private personalized retreat in Maui, Hawaii? Please provide details about what draws you to this experience.
Are there specific outcomes or goals you are seeking to achieve through your private retreat? Whether it's physical rejuvenation, emotional healing, spiritual growth, or other objectives, please share them with us.
How comfortable are you with participating in various holistic modalities and healing practices during your retreat, such as Ayurveda sessions, breathwork, self-healing modalities, energy work, massage therapy, colonic treatments, IV therapy treatments, acupuncture and more?
Are there any particular activities, experiences, or cultural quests that you are interested in incorporating into your private retreat? This could include island activities, nature excursions, sacred ceremonies, or any specific cultural engagements.
How significant is the cultural aspect of the retreat to you? Are you open to immersing yourself in the local Hawaiian culture, participating in sacred ceremonies, or exploring traditional practices as part of your rejuvenation journey?
Are you comfortable engaging in physical activities and outdoor adventures during your private retreat in Maui, Hawaii? Please let us know if there are any limitations or preferences we should consider while designing your personalized program.
Are there any specific learnings, discoveries, or experiences you hope to gain from your private retreat? Whether it's deepening your understanding of holistic wellness or unlocking new aspects of personal growth, please share your aspirations.
Would you like to explore other areas of Maui, Hawaii beyond the retreat activities? Are you interested in visiting local attractions, embarking on nature hikes, discovering nearby islands, or engaging in any specific off-site experiences?
Do you have any additional expectations, preferences, or questions that you would like to share with us? Your valuable input will assist us in tailoring your private retreat to align with your needs and desires.